Christopher Leffler, MD
Dr. Leffler specializes in ophthalmology.
I would like to say that you all have a fabulous staff, especially the ones that worked with my grandson. Now and for Dr. Leffler, he is a fine eye doctor and I give it to him, he knows his job Valerie S Sep 2018
I would like to say that you all have a fabulous staff, especially the ones that worked with my grandson. Now and for Dr. Leffler, he is a fine eye doctor and I give it to him, he knows his job Valerie S Sep 2018
I would like to say that you all have a fabulous staff, especially the ones that worked with my grandson. Now and for Dr. Leffler, he is a fine eye doctor and I give it to him, he knows his job. Valerie S Aug 2018
2019 MEDRVA Patient Choice Award
2020 MEDRVA Patient Choice Award
VCU Medical Center
Department of Ophthalmology
8700 Stony Point Parkway
Suite 220
Phone: (804) 323-0830
Nelson Clinic 401 North 11th Street
Phone: (804) 828-4715